
Ysgol Gymraeg Gwenllian

Llifo at lwyddiant / Flowing to success



Mae’r ap yn angenrheidiol i bob un sy’n dymuno derbyn negeseuon; rhieni a theulu estynedig.


Chwiliwch am “MySchoolApp” yn yr app store/android store


Ysgrifennwch enw’r Ysgol “Ysgol Gymraeg Gwenllian” yn y blwch.


Dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau ar y sgrîn er mwyn cofrestru.


Ar ôl agor yr app, ewch at menu, settings a choose notification groups er mwyn dewis y blynyddoedd i chi am dderbyn y negeseuon.


Ar “settings” eich ffôn, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod wedi dewis “Allow notifications”.



The School app is essential for everyone that would like to receive messages; parents and extended family.


Search for “MySchoolApp” in the app store/android store.


Write the name of the school “Ysgol Gymraeg Gwenllian” in the box.


Follow the on-screen instructions to register.


After you open the app, go to the menu, settings and choose your groups in order to receive messages from the year groups you require.


On your phone, go to settings and make sure that you “Allow notifications”.


